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Residential Care

Our Care Home Health Monitoring Software Provides Enhanced Health Monitoring

Improving care in care homes is a concern for both NHS and local authorities. The Enhanced Health in Care Homes (EHCH) programme is a part of the NHS Long Term Plan.

EHCH demands the nomination of GPs to care homes, to help improve responsiveness and care. Optimising care in care homes is an important element in transforming out of hospital care. Our care home health monitoring software, DOC@HOME® can be configured specifically for care homes and their ways of working, and is aligned with the demands of EHCH. 

Residential care home monitoring enables clinicians to develop a baseline for every resident’s normal condition. Where residents do not have a need for frequent monitoring, observations are taken monthly or fortnightly. These observations enable clinicians to make better informed decisions and reduce demands on their time.


Benefits for care home residents

DOC@HOME, our care home monitoring software, has already been implemented in many care homes, enabling primary and community care to access more clinical data, and making it easier for carers to contact GPs about unwell residents.

Common challenges

  • Understanding what information a GP needs regarding an unwell resident
  • ‘Telephone Tennis’ – the back and forth of telephone calls with a healthcare professional
  • Waiting on hold to speak with a healthcare professional
  • Prolonged email exchanges
  • Communication barriers between carers and clinicians e.g. technical medical terms
  • New staff not knowing who to call for support

With remote monitoring these problems are minimised!

Contact us today for more information about our residential care home monitoring system