Social/Domiciliary Care
Supporting providers with domiciliary care monitoring
Graphnet's partnership with System C, provider of the market leading Liquidlogic social care system, enables true multi-agency collaboration. Shared records provide health teams with appropriate access to social care data and vice versa. Alongside this integrated solution, Graphnet's population health platform works to support social care early intervention work on a range of projects including preparation for adulthood and section 117 mental health aftercare.
In addition to this, our remote monitoring solution supports an integrated care model, where the notion of ‘every contact matters’ can more easily include social, domiciliary and voluntary visitors to the patient’s home.
Domiciliary care patients with elevated risk can require more intensive monitoring by healthcare professionals. Our integrated healthcare technology can be applied to help home visitors record any signs of deterioration in the resident’s condition and, in the case of domiciliary care, can be used to provide regular observations to detect the earliest signs of deterioration.
About our Domiciliary Care Services
We collaborate with several partners applying technology to meet the holistic requirements of peoples’ social, domestic and health care needs.
The benefits of our remote patient monitoring for domiciliary care:
- Effective at home management and treatment.
- More effective self-care.
- Patients are effectively monitored at home, reducing patient stress levels.
- More effective use of healthcare professionals’ time
- More meaningful interventions between patient and healthcare professional
- Reduced CO2 emissions