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Social Care

Social Care in Shared Care Records

A crucial requirement for Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) is collaboration between health and social care services. This requires collaborative workflows and communications between NHS organisations and local government, as well as voluntary and third-sector organisations. A close partnership with System C, a market leader in social care systems, places Graphnet in a unique position to deliver integrated health and social care solutions. These include access to shared care records for those in a healthcare setting, with the ability to view social care information such as allocated case worker, associated carer, disability and any risks, hazards/alerts, protection notices, care plans and services already in place.

Joined-up services with health and social care software

This real-time access ensures a joined-up service, eliminates the need for patients to repeat information to a number of people in different settings and supports clear decision-making. Similarly, social workers can access a patient’s GP record, including medication (current, past and issues), risks and warnings, procedures, investigations, encounters, admissions, discharges and referrals alongside their social care data.

Liquidlogic social care solutions

As a company, we are uniquely placed to deliver focus on health and social care solutions in order to facilitate the breaking down of barriers between care settings. Our Liquidlogic range of social care software is the leading software solution for both adults' and children’s services.  This focus makes us unique in our market and means we understand the requirements of all care settings.

By integrating Liquidlogic with hospitals’ electronic patient record systems - whether other suppliers’ software or our own EPR - admission and discharge notices are sent directly from hospital systems into the social care workflow in real time.  This helps ensure that discharge processes are managed smoothly and efficiently and that individuals are well-supported as they move between hospital and community-based care.

Cross-organisational health and social care software

By linking to shared care records, social workers can access a patient’s GP record -including medication (current, past and issues), risks and warnings, procedures, investigations, encounters, admissions, discharges and referrals - alongside their social care data.  Similarly, those in a healthcare setting can view social care information such as allocated case worker, associated carer, disability and any risks, hazards/alerts, protection notices, care plans and services already in place.

Having this information available immediately gives professionals a better understanding of an individual’s needs as a whole, which in turn helps them respond sensitively, appropriately, and make the best clinical decisions.

Integrating CareFlow Connect enables team-based care co-ordination across multiple health and social care settings. It means valuable time is not wasted in inefficient communication but can be spent efficiently and productively with colleagues and patients and real-time alerts support cross-organisational collaboration.

We have also led in the delivery of joined-up technology such as integration with the Child Protection – Information Sharing project (CP-IS), which supports staff working in unscheduled health care settings to identify children who are looked after and share information with relevant social care teams.

Adults’ social care system

Provides flexible and comprehensive functionality to enable the management of contacts, referrals, assessment, reablement plans, care commissioning, personal budgets, self-funders, safeguarding, DOLS, provider management, financial management and financial assessment; all within a logical and easy to navigate workflow, which can be tailored to reflect local authorities’ working practices.

Children’s social care system

Supports all aspects of social work with children and has been specifically developed by and for practitioners to allow case management and record keeping for children in need, looked after children, adoption and child protection cases, as quickly and simply as possible.  It’s flexible and adaptable enough to allow local authorities to tailor forms and workflow to local requirements in a constantly changing and fast-moving environment.